eCommerce Copy - en-US:
1/4 in. 12 pt. Satin combination wrench
Feature & Benefit Value - en-US:
The STANLEYcombination wrenches are designed to exceed ANSI industry standards
Feature & Benefit Value - en-US.1:
The positioning of the mouth is 15º in relation to the axis of symmetry of the body to facilitate adjustments, while the striation provides for a repositioning angle of the key every 30º, offering maximum safety for high torques
Feature & Benefit Value - en-US.2:
Incorporate the Maxi-Drivesystem
Individual Vs. Set (Syndigo):
Master Height (Inches) US:
Master Length (Inches) US:
Master Weight (Pounds) US:
Master Width (Inches) US:
Pallet Height (Inches) US:
Pallet Length (Inches) US:
Pallet Weight (Pounds) US:
Pallet Width (Inches) US: