Digital Rockwell Hardness Tester with Touchscreen
Auxiliary functions Upper/lower limits setting & alarm, Scale conversions: HV & HB
Data output: USB memory stick
Dead Weight Test Force Application
Direct digital reading
Display - High definition backlight LCD
Engineered to obtain highly sensitive and accurate readings
Height: 22.04", Width: 8.07", Depth: 31.49", Weight: 175lbs (80kg)
Included Accessories: Large Anvil, Small Diameter Anvil, V-shaped Anvil, 120 deg. Diamond Indentor, 1/16" Carbide Ball indentor, Storage Box
Includes Certified Test Blocks, HRB 75-95, HRC 25-35, HRC 40-50, HRC 55-65
Key Performance Parameters
Load dwell duration - 2 - 50s
Measuring Range: 8-650HBW
Operation - Menu selectable push buttons
Perfect for laboratories, workshops, tool rooms, inspection labs, etc.
Power supply - single phase, AC, 110V, 50 - 60Hz, 4A
Preload - 98.1N - 10kgf
Resolution - 0.1HR
Testing Capacity - Vertical: 8.00" Throat Depth: 7.87"
Total test force - 588.4N(60kgf) 980.7N(100kgf) 1471N(150kgf),