Part Number: 40603
/Vendor ID Number: 1116511
1/16" Ball End Screwdriver - 2.5" - Tagged & Barcoded
by Bondhus
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Product Overview
1/16" Ball End Screwdriver - 2.5" - Tagged & Barcoded
Ball End Tip Screwdriver w/ProGuardâ„¢ Finish. Tagged & Barcoded. Size: 1/16" Length: 2.5"
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Technical Details
Hand Tools
Screwdrivers and Nutdrivers
Feature 1:
Ball End Screwdrivers with ProGuardâ„¢ Finish have ComfortGrip handles that are more comfortable and feature a better grip than typical screwdrivers. The ball end inserts into a screw at a 25 degree angle.
Feature 2:
ProGuardâ„¢ finish is environmentally safe, provides better tool grip, resists solvents and is 5 times more corrosion resistant than competitor finishes.