Brand owner name:
BESSEY® Tools GmbH & Co KG
CASE GTIN (Master carton):
Cube (Full Pallet, Ft^3):
Cube (Master carton, Ft^3):
Cube (Single Item in retail/shipping package, Inch:
Cube (Single Item out of box, Inches^3):
Cube(Single Item in retail/shipping package, Ft^3):
GDSN Alpha - 2 Country Code:
Gross weight (Master carton, Pounds):
Gross weight (Single Item in retail/shipping packa:
Height (Master carton, Inches):
Height (Single Item in retail/shipping package, In:
Height (Single Item out of box, Inches):
Information owner name:
BESSEY® Tools North America
clamp, f clamp, f-clamp, Bessey, Bessy, Besy, Besey, sliding arm clamp, bar clamp, parallel clamp, K-Body, REVO, K BODY, Revo, revo, f clamp, F clamp
Length (Depth, Full Pallet, Inches):
Length (Depth, Master carton, Inches):
Length (Depth, Single Item in retail/shipping pack:
Length (Depth, Single Item out of box, Inches):
Marketing bullet point:
Add to existing "K BODY® REVO™" clamps to create multiple glue ups
Marketing bullet point-2:
Replacement sliding jaw assembly for all "K BODY® REVO™" clamps
Marketing bullet point-3:
Use with extra KR-VO variable fixed jaws to create unique multi fixture jigs
Marketing Paragraph:
The BESSEY K BODY® REVO™ clamp's modular design allows for many great accessories & replacement parts. BESSEY. Simply better.
National Motor Freight Classification (class):
National Motor Freight Classification (code):
Net weight ( Single Item in retail/shipping packag:
Net weight (Full Pallet, Pounds):
Net weight (Master carton, Pounds):
Nominal Throat Depth (Inches):
Packaging Type ( Single Item in retail/shipping pa:
Pallet GTIN (Full Pallet):
Pieces (Master carton quantity):
Quantity of Master Cartons (Full Pallet):
Supplier Company Name:
BESSEY® Tools North America
Tare weight (Full Pallet, Pounds):
Tare weight (Master carton, Pounds):
Tare weight (Single Item in retail/shipping packag:
Width (Single Item in retail/shipping package, In:
Width (Full Pallet, Inches):
Width (Master carton, Inches):
Width (Single Item out of box, Inches):